Needs some ideas on what to read?
Here are some ideas from HBR Blogger, John Coleman, on what leaders should read.
I checked out the the curriculum and reading list from David Gergen's leadership course and thought it looked excellent. (Side note: I am a big David Gergen fan. I can even tolerate CNN political coverage if David Gergen is there, as I find him to be thoughtful, sensible, and balanced)
But reading does not need to be just about leadership. Below is a consensus cloud visualization of several top 100 books lists on the interweb (put together by David McCandless of Information is Beautiful - for the full data set check here).
I have often thought of picking a top 100 book list and reading it as a New Year's Resolution. I probably will never do that but reviewing these book lists has inspired me to read To Kill a Mockingbird (hard to believe I have not read that) and True North: Discover your Authentic Leadership.
Lord of the Flies is one of the best books on Agile I have ever read.