Sunday, October 14, 2012

Leaders are readers

Good leaders are always learning. They are avid readers. 

Needs some ideas on what to read?

Here are some ideas from HBR Blogger, John Coleman, on what leaders should read. 

I checked out the the curriculum and reading list from David Gergen's leadership course and thought it looked excellent. (Side note: I am a big David Gergen fan. I can even tolerate CNN political coverage if David Gergen is there, as I find him to be thoughtful, sensible, and balanced)

But reading does not need to be just about leadership. Below is a consensus cloud visualization of several top 100 books lists on the interweb (put together by David McCandless of Information is Beautiful - for the full data set check here). 

I have often thought of picking a top 100 book list and reading it as a New Year's Resolution. I probably will never do that but reviewing these book lists has inspired me to read To Kill a Mockingbird (hard to believe I have not read that) and True North: Discover your Authentic Leadership. 

1 comment:

  1. Lord of the Flies is one of the best books on Agile I have ever read.
